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1.  Website owner:

The owner of the website https://flymate.es/ (hereinafter, the Website) is BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L., with registered office at C/ Sant Pere 24, 4B 03590 Altea (Alicante), with NIF: B54913132.

You can contact BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. directly and effectively at the email address: info@.flymate.es


2 . Use of the Website:

This document regulates access to and use of the Website made available by BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. to internet users.

The contents of the Website can only be accessed in Spanish.

You will be considered a user if you access the Website, browse it, and use or participate in the Website's services and/or activities.

The use of the Website does not imply any commercial relationship with BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L.

Accessing and/or browsing the Website implies acceptance of all the conditions established in this document. If you do not agree, you must refrain from using the Website.

Access to the Website is free and open, except for those services and/or sections that may be restricted, with access only for members or registered users.

If it is necessary for you to provide personal data to access any of the services, the collection and processing of data will be carried out in accordance with applicable data protection regulations. For more information, consult our privacy policy at https://flymate.es/politica-de-privacidad.

The Website must be used responsibly and in accordance with current legislation, good faith, the conditions established in this document, and with full respect for the rights of BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. or third parties, including intellectual and industrial property rights and any other rights.

The use of any of the contents of the Website for purposes that are or could be illegal is totally prohibited, as well as any action that causes or may cause damage or alterations of any kind to the Website or its contents.

The use of screen scraping, web scraping, or any other programming or any other type of technique that allows the extraction of information or data hosted, stored, or accessible on the Website without express written authorization from BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. is expressly prohibited.


3. User participation:

If any of the pages on the Website allow your participation, such as by making comments or generating content, it is absolutely prohibited to disseminate illegal content, such as propaganda of a racist or xenophobic nature, terrorism propaganda, that violates human rights, or that incites hatred, violates the dignity of the person, or is injurious, defamatory, or against public order or safety.

BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. reserves the right to remove all those comments and/or content that violate the above or that are not suitable for publication on the Website due to their nature.

In any case, BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. will not be responsible for the opinions expressed or for the content published by users through forums, chats, blogs or other participation tools that may be created, except as expressly provided by applicable regulations.


4. Intellectual and Industrial Property:

All elements and/or contents published on the Website have been created by BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. or are used under a license or authorization.

Therefore, all these elements and/or contents (such as: images, audio, video, software or text; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, applications necessary for its operation, computer code, access and use, etc.) and the rights that can be held over them, are the exclusive property of BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L.

Reproduction, distribution, public communication - including its modality of making available - and transformation of all or part of the contents of the Website, in any medium and by any technical means, without the prior express and written authorization of BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L., is strictly prohibited.

In case of carrying out any of the prohibited actions indicated, the exclusive intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. will be violated. You must respect such rights, and also refrain from deleting, altering, circumventing or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the Website.

BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. does not grant any license or authorization of any kind regarding its intellectual or industrial property rights or any other property or right related to the Website, and under no circumstances shall the access and navigation of users imply a waiver, transfer, license or total or partial assignment of such rights by BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L..

Any use of these contents not previously authorized by BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. will be considered a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights and will lead to legally established responsibilities. BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. reserves the right to exercise against the infringing user the legally corresponding actions.


5. Responsibility and guarantees:

BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. declares that it has taken the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to allow for the correct functioning of the Website as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. cannot be held responsible for the following situations that are listed for illustrative purposes only, but not limited to:

  • The continuity and availability of the content.
  • The absence of errors in said content or the correction of any defects that may occur.
  • The damages or harm caused by any third party who violates the security systems of BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L..
  • The use that users may make of the content included on the Website. Therefore, BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. cannot guarantee that the use that users make of the content of the Website complies with what is established here.
  • The use by minors of the website or the sending of their personal data without the permission of their guardians, with the guardians being responsible for the use they make of the Internet.
  • The content that the user may access through unauthorized links or introduced by users through comments or similar tools.
  • The introduction of erroneous data by the user or a third party.

BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. may temporarily suspend, without prior notice, accessibility to the website for maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations.


6. Cookies

For information on the use of cookies on the Website, please refer to our Cookies Policy at https://flymate.es/politica-de-cookies.


7. Link Policy (Links):

7.1. Links from other websites:

If you intend to establish a link from a webpage of another Internet portal to any of the pages of the Website, you must comply with the following conditions:

The total or partial reproduction of any of the services or content of the website, or the establishment of deep-links, IMG or image links, or frames with the Website, is not permitted without prior express and written authorization.

No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements will be made about the Website, its services or content. Except for those signs that are part of the link, the website in which it is established will not contain any trademark, trade name, establishment label, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L., except with express authorization from it.

The establishment of the link will not imply the existence of any relationship between BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. and the owner of the Website or the portal from which it is made, nor the knowledge and acceptance of BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. of the services and content offered on said webpage or portal.

BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. will not be responsible for the content or services made available to the public on the website or portal from which the hyperlink is made, nor for the information and statements included in them, when it does not have control over them.


7.2. Links to other websites:

The Website may provide the user with links to other websites managed and controlled by third parties, solely for the purpose of facilitating users' search for information, content, and services on the Internet. It should not be considered that BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. markets, directs, controls, or owns the content, services, information, and statements available on such websites.

BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. does not assume any kind of responsibility, even indirectly or subsidiarily, for the content, information, communications, opinions, or services linked from those websites not managed by itself and that are accessible through the Website, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may produce alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents, or files of the user, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.


8. Modification of the terms:

BENICOCHES SPAIN S.L. may modify the terms set forth herein at any time, duly published as they appear here. The validity of said terms of use will depend on their exposure and will be in force until they are modified by others duly published.


9. Applicable law:

The terms established in this document are governed by Spanish legislation.






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